Friday, 2 November 2012

Resume Fax Service - Internet Fax

A resume represents the candidate to the recruiter. Recruiter judges a candidate after considering the details in specified in this document. The applicant sends his resume to companies or recruiters in correspondence to the advertisements published in newspapers, internet.

Now-a-days many fax companies provide resume fax service. This is similar to broadcasting in which your document is sent via e-mail to several recruitment companies and employers. If you don’t have facsimile machine from which you can send it then the companies which provides resume service is better option. These companies charge minimal amount to do so. But before purchasing such service or investing money in it; you have to consider some factors:
1. Are recruiters receiving your sent resume? 
2. Can you find an alternative way to fax your details for free?

There are many free fax service companies which permit you to send faxes from your email client or your browser. You don’t have to pay anything to these companies.  In many cases the free services give you better quality of the service than paid one. Before submitting your bio data to free faxing company check the details mentioned in it. If everything is ready, you can send the document to all recruiters via this service. It will take some time before a recruiter decides to call and schedule an interview so you have to be patient.

Country using online fax most.

Online faxing which means scanned document sent and received using Internet. This utility is getting very popular day by day. This is because it is very easy to use. Only you have to get connection of Internet and one pc. With web fax you can transfer documents to any place where there is net access.   

There are many countries in the world that are using this virtual fax to conduct almost all executive functions. China is the most net fax using nation. According to one survey the total users in China were 513,100,000 which were 38.4 % of its population and 22.5% of total world population.  

There are 10.8% users in USA. Though it ranks second in the average, the total users were 95,354,000 that is 78.3% of its populace. USA is a nation which always creaates revolution. There is huge mass using Internet and thereby net fax.

India is the third state which falls in the queue of virtual fax users. 50, 00,000 people that is only 10.2% of the country take the aid of Internet for transmitting paper work which accounts 5.3% of earth’s population. Though the percentages are not very big India is developing country. It is sharply moving towards IT. Therefore this number will get raised very steeply. 

Japan, Brazil, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, United Kingdom are line which account 4.4%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 2.7%, 2.4% of the total world’s population.

Internet Faxing From PDA

Internet faxing is an online service. Due to its speed, less cost and diverse functionalty online faxing has become easy. Faxing is thus facilitated to any device from which web access is possible. Thus when the technology advanced and powerful hand held devices were developed; this facility was extended over them. Today there are varieties of devices that can be categorized under mobile devices. Such devices include Mobile Phones, Personal Digital Assistance (PDA), and Palm Tops. Faxing using hand held devices is known as mobile faxing.

To avail this facility across PDA needs following things:

Web Connection
Mail account access over device. User should be able to send and receive mails using mail account
Subscription to any Internet faxing service providing site.

There are several ways of connecting to internet using PDA. It depends upon how user is convenient accessing Internet with the device. User can use regular dial up connection by connecting Personal Digital Assistance to Desktop or can make use of Wi-Fi networks in vicinity. It can be synced with desktop as well. Sync will allow the device to access web connection from desktop as well as mails. It can also use GPRS connection by contacting to service provider.

Advantages of Mobile Fax
1. It allows you to fax from any location, any time using web.
2. It facilitates subscriber with ability to print the document on any fax machine.

Printing a Document
It does not require buying a fancy mobile printer or any other devices for the purpose. All you need to do is
Compose a mail with document to be printed attached to it.  Mail the document to the fax number of    closest machine.
The subscribed facsimile service provider will convert the document to facsimile.
The document than can be printed from a fax machine.

Internet Fax Using Office 2010

Cloud Faxing is most comfortable and popular way of sharing documents now-a-days. This has improvised the way facsimiles were sent earlier. Considering the regular need of faxing there are many companies who started providing this facility. The service is charged depending upon the package chosen by the customer. The organizations need facsimiles transmission regularly. Considering this requirement Microsoft has also extended this facility to user. It has extended this feature in Office 2010 which allows Outlook,  Word, Excel and PowerPoint files as to be transmitted as online facsimiles.

This feature is disabled for all versions of Windows by default. To utilize this feature it is necessary to enable it. This requires installing proper drivers for same. The drivers that must be installed for same are known as Windows Fax drivers. This feature can be enabled on Windows home edition of XP onwards version. For Server edition Windows, it is available on version Windows Server2003 and Windows Server 2008.

The feature is activated only after certain setting made in Control Panel. There are different ways of activating the service. These different ways are applicable on different versions of operating system. Every version require to manage setting using Control Panel. Here user requires modifying setting in Add/Remove Programs or in Programs and Features for Home Editions. The Server Operating System needs to add a role of Fax Server to host and utilize the service.

How to secure Internet Fax?

Information transmitted over internet is vulnerable to snooping. Moreover the data can be mangled with. Hence there is always a necessity of secure transmission. Cloud faxing is no exception to this case. The documents to be faxed needs to be secured. There has to be some security measure taken that will ensure safe transmission of data.

Security techniques that can be implemented are:
1. Encryption:  There are various algorithms, like RSA and Diffie-Hellman that can be used for the purpose. Encryption is a process of generating cryptic text from the meaningful text. It is simple scrambling of words to make them appear random. In cloud faxing generally the fax is sent as a mail document to the given mail-id. The documents then are encrypted using a dedicated system for the same purpose.
2. Digital Signature: This technology allows generating a signature for identifying the sender. The signature is generated for every single communication. This signature is known only by the sender and receiver. Due to this any intruders cannot easily acquire the information within those documents. Thus providing secure transmission of data across network.

Thus cloud faxing is more secure than traditional system. It provides better security and hence is suitable for transmission of confidential and sensitive information. Considering these additional feature, it has gained popularity across globe.

Introduction To Fax Server

Cloud faxing involves service providers who provide us with a number sequence. This is used for faxing purpose. This number is nothing but a service connection. When an organization approaches a service provider they allot a number referring to particular connection setup with an organization. This number marks the bandwidth which subscriber will be using. To process a request from customers, to make a connection available to them is carried over a server. A server is installed and maintained by service provider to handle various customer requests.

A online fax server is a system used for hosting the site that provides this service. It is a system that can be installed on Local Area Network Server. The computers connected with such LAN can send and receive the documents. Online service providers mainly depend on this server for service. It is a software program which when installed will enable sending and receiving of fax.

To host such service, a server computer is needed. It is installed with a software. This software alone cannot enable document sending and receiving facilities. It also requires a capable modems which are attached to the telephone lines.  This set up of modem connected with telephone line is now replaced by modem emulators. It is nothing but software that performs the job of actual modem. This emulator makes use of T.38 transmission technology for sending and receiving documents over IP (Internet Protocol). It is a fax relay standard that specifies a permissible way of transporting documents over IP as facsimiles.

What is Internet fax cover sheet and how to create it?

Anything you do; should have professional approach. If sending fax is your frequent activity; with every document you reflect your business. So the documents should be in proper format with cover sheet.  This cover gives professional touch to your business. It is placed over the documents and appears as the first page of the fax.

It includes name, address and the number of the sender and receiver and other information about the documents like date, number of pages which are being sent. You can also send a custom message or comments on this sheet to sender. This ensures that your papers are going to reach to exact recipient.

You can find free covers on the web in word format and even can customize them. There are programs on the Internet where you can create your own . Word processing software also aids you to prepare your own one. Just open any software like MS word. Create a new blank document. At the top type “Fax cover Sheet”. Fill the information in the given space like from, to, number of pages, date etc. Save this document and you can use this when you want to send online. You can also print this.

You also have an option to compose your cover sheet online. Just visit the link Select letter and faxes category from left sidebar. Choose the fax cover you like. Type all necessary information in the space they provided. Click save in the file menu. It will be saved in your Google account. You can print it from there as well to get hard copy and use it in the facsimile machine.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Internet fax machine. What it is?

Facsimile machine is a hardware device to send the documents to distant places. We could send it with the help of telephone connection.  In those days facsimile machine, telephone call, mail was used as means of communication. However it was since last 10 years Internet is being used as medium of communication. While this online utility has made the traditional machine out of date. It is because of lot of advantages over it. Electronic fax doesn't require any telephone lines, any extra hardware device,  and software.

The term Internet fax relates to it being used for sending the document from one place to another using this amazing medium. It is also known as web, online, electronic, virtual fax etc.  Most of the people are using their e-mail accounts for transmitting information. With the help of this utility one can send and receive document through and on mail. It can be e-mail to fax and vice versa.

This is virtual machine. It is an integration of facsimile technology and Internet technology. No extra device or software is needed for that. Only you have to subsribe and sign in at the service providers website. Any person having a Net connection and an email account can send and receive documents in the TIFF and PDF format.

The net fax companies provide various services like signature service, Toll free service, Send –only service etc.  They also provide lifetime storage of documents sent and received.

Can one use internet fax service from abroad?

Internet fax is the easiest way to send facsimile documents from one place to another. It is known as virtual, online, web fax because the document is sent using net. Once you sign up with the Internet fax company, it provides numbers which can be used to send and receive papers in that particular country. So the question arrives that can you use virtual fax service for overseas transaction? 

The answer is yes. Some companies allow using their service for abroad. There are many online fax companies which help to send facsimile documents abroad. Once you sign up with that company they provide you options to choose the nations. 

Fax87, MyFax, eFax etc are some of the leading companies which provide the benefits of faxing abroad. Some of them allow sending documents all over the world. The only thing is you have to pay extra charges as specified them for international transactions. If you are often engaged with faxing abroad, better you open account with company. Because of that you will get a discount and you would have to pay per file because paying per page for abroad might be little costly.

How can send the fax document to abroad:

All you have to enter international faxing code that is 011. Then you enter the country code. If you don’t know it just make search on Google for it. Then put the city code and after that enter the fax number. Thus faxing abroad on net is not so lengthy and expensive task.

Broadcast Fax: What it is?

Faxing facility over cloud has many advantages. It has modified the traditional fax system and is providing all networking benefits that can be applied to the system. There are several such advantages added.  One of them is broadcasting the document. Broadcasting refers to sending a single document to multiple recipients.  This might be on parallel grounds with scanning documents once and then sending it in bulk.

Broadcast Faxing is a facility provided by a third party service provider. The organizations that provide service across cloud provide this feature. This service provider makes use of the fax server technology to provide this feature. It thus allows transmission of one document to thousands of recipients. Fax server is must for this purpose.

Fax server is the one that handles incoming and outgoing documents. It is loaded with software that helps managing the digital to analog signal conversion for transmission over phone lines of traditional facsimile machine. Fax servers are generally working in store and forward mode. They are capable of managing number of mails at one time. Hence whenever broadcasting they are used. In this case the files can be converted to the right format.

Broadcast fax service allows client to manage their campaigns with help of web interface. In this case campaign term is used to denote transmission of document to several receivers. For this client must make the list of receivers for given document. This list is then checked with document by the server and then transmitted. The client can also schedule the mailing time for the document to avoid peak hours or for transmission on specific day and time.

Friday, 5 October 2012

How secure Internet faxing is?

Transmission of data over long distance was not the only reason for choosing fax service. The other reason for popularity of fax was; it allowed secure transmission of data over distance. After technological advancements, faxing was also made available as one of the online service. Though there are still some doubt raised over the safety of the service provided.

Internet faxing is safest way for transmission of data. It is considered safer than its predecessor service.

There are several reasons for saying so:

1.    Encryption: when we do transmission of document online, the entire data can be encrypted. This will make sure that only the sender and receiver will be able to extract the contents of documents. Thus providing the safer means than older version.

2.    Tracking document: With this facility of networking, we can track the transmission of the file. It is also possible to make arrangements for transmission of acknowledgement. This will allow sender to check for transmission of documents.

3.    Using VPN:  Virtual Private Networks (VPN) as the name suggest are private to organization. Using such networks data is transmitted securely. Since it requires to have valid account for accessing such network, it is hard to have intruders for so.

Securities available can be applied to the services on the Internet. Securities through protocol as well as the network securities can also be utilized. The network configuration can also be managed for same. The security options are also feasible.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Advantages of Online Fax Number

Nowadays online fax is most popular not only for business but also for individuals who send and receive faxes every day for their business or any other activities. Internet fax service is best option when you want to send documents online. This saves costs of a phone line and facsimile machine in the land based technology used earlier. Using online facility you can transfer important documents in seconds. This can be easy and safe if you have proper strategy i.e. your own fax number.

List of some advantages of having your own fax number:

1. If you want to save money then sign up for a service and get your fax number .It is cost effective for all users.

|2. You can easily connect to your fax by using your mobile and through the services provider. You can refer stored documents easily while traveling instead of carrying hard copies of them.

3. Your faxing utility is never down. If you receive and send several documents at the same time your number is always available. Most service providers have very large traffic but you number is operational all the time. Unlike in case of facsimile machine, your line is never busy.

|4. Online fax number comes along with a flexible service plan. The cost you pay for usage usually depending on the number of documents you send each month. You can pay lesser cost, if you are not sending large number of documents for each month.

Therefore, online fax number is useful for better and flexible service.

Verify Important Features Before Choosing Internet Fax Service Provider?

Now many people can use online faxing instead of traditional land based facsimile machine. In this system you can choose a service provider who provides service in lieu of a small monthly charge. Documents are sent by an email attachment and hence many people refer to it as "fax by email" or "email fax".

You have to take precaution to choose the company for subscription because you are dispatching your important documents. There are many features you must check in your future service provider, but the important features are security, privacy, quality and reliability. Don’t go directly to cheapest priced service without thinking – Go through these questions below.

What is the quality of the service?

Are they reliable and professional?

Can they provide support if something does go wrong?

Of course, you must think about price if you send or receive high number of faxes for each month. Also you have to consider the limits and benefits of services. For example, does the service charge more, if you exceed the set limit as per the charge? Amount of online storage and how long can you keep your faxes online? Methods of sending your documents, types of file formats allowed?

All of these factors should be checked before you buy or sign up for any service. Also check the online reputation of the service and go through user’s comments and how they rated it? If your find your selected provider doesn't work properly then you can choose another service. But while most services providers will let you "port" your fax number, it's best to do a little research to select best one. So choose wisely.

All Activities Possible on Internet Faxing

Faxing over Internet is a recent addition to all the facilities available online. It is made available online considering the popularity of regular service.  This facility is basically targeting the organization that need faxing on daily basis. Earlier method had some of the drawbacks. Major disadvantage was the cost involved in making the hardware setup.

It was also observed that the hardware setup consumes lots of space. It also needs personal attention. All these drawbacks were making faxing worst experience. It is not possible that every organization can dedicate that kind of space. With limited work force, providing personal attention to such task is also a potential problem.

More over the facsimile machine would require dialing number of receiver every time. There is no facility for programming that is regularly used in this. If there are many transmissions to be made, then it requires a person to dial separately every number and wait for transmission to complete. This makes the job tedious.

With the online faxing service one cannot just send and receive, but can do much more. The document can be easily sent as a mail. This will not require receiver to specially create soft copy because the soft copy will be readily available. The mailed thus received is in specific file format. Usually the file format is the one supported by the faxing company. Document received as mail assure that it is well preserved, unless it is deleted. The user can also save a copy locally. Thus the document can be retrieved and resent when needed.

One of the most important services made available is broadcast transmission. One document can be transmitted to multiple points easily. The sender just need to provide the identification number assigned to every registered user as recipient. The document will be then transmitted to every number thus mentioned at same time. No different transmissions required for same. These are the activities that one can perform with online faxing service.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Fundamental concepts of Internet faxing

User can send documents which are attached to email to an analog facsimile machine using internet fax service. The formats such as Word documents, PDF files and scanned images can be sent.

You can work on this service without installing any type of servers, modem and any other superior software.

As per your desire you could subscribe to any other Internet faxing service which converts e-mail to faxes and also vice-versa.

There are three basic things which are required when we use Net based service. They are as follows:
1. We need desktop computer or laptops.
2. We need Internet connection so to connect your pc or laptop using a modem.
3. Once you connect your computer to internet then you need a web browser.

Once you have all above three then you should send and receive fax.

You can obtain a fax on your PC or laptops in such way:
1.    When you subscribe on particular service then they assign you a toll free unique number.
2.    You can send document to other place by dialing this unique number from your desktop machine.
3.    The subscriber user collects the fax and convert it into email attachment and forwards it to your e-mail address.
4.    After that you should open the mail and read the content of attachment file.

Difference between online fax and traditional facsimile machine

Ø  Online fax service is a process of forwarding and collecting documents over the Internet. Traditional facsimile machine requires hardware to send and receive over telephone line.

Ø  This Internet based service requires broadband connection, phone number, computer or laptops and where in traditional service telephone network, facsimile machine sre required.

Ø  In online fax service e-mail applications is mandatory to send and receive fax. In traditional method a facsimile machine with proper telephone connection is mandatory.

Ø  People can send and receive documents from any location in world where Internet connection is available. Even from Cell phone or PDA one caan send, where in traditional method people can do this only where the facsimile machine is found.

Ø  Usingthis service people can transfer multiple documents at the same time but in traditional service we cannot do this.

Ø  In online fax service people can send document as same as email and we can attach any text file to it and send it same as email service.

Ø  In this service, scanner is mandatory when people want to send hard copy to receiver but in traditional service scanner is mandatory for sending every document.
Ø  Online fax does all process that old system does but only difference is that it is inexpensive system because machine, ink, need of additional telephone connection and papers etc are not required.

Ø  In this service, The faxed documents are automatically converted into an digital documents and after that it convert in its original form before it reach to receiver side  more quickly as compared to old system.

Advantage and disadvantage of internet fax service

Advantage of using Internet fax:
1.      No extra h/w and s/w required.
2.      No need of additional connection of telephone line.
3.      It does not require any paper and ink to communicate.
4.      It is used as email service application for faxing.
5.      It is very cheaper as compare to buying new facsimile machine.
6.      It is possible to forward and receive documents from any locations in the world that has Internet access.
7.      Using PDA and Smartphone you can send and receive fax.
8.      There is no need of additional paper, wire connection, facsimile machine maintenance, ink etc.
9.      Once you subscribe in any service then you get toll-free fax line, after that you can put to use immediately.
10.  In this service you print only those documents that you really want. This saves the wastage of paper.
11.  It is an inexpensive service because of it does not require ink cartridges and any other parts that are required by traditional facsimile machine.
Disadvantage of using Internet fax:

1. Hackers can be hacking your email account and it is possible to them to read your fax content.
2. Online fax is not the perfect choice to everyone means sending sensitive information of business via most of the service.
3.The service providers may occasionally not deliver facilities or functions that are  provide by traditional machine.
4. It requires a scanner when people wish to fax hard copy documents.

Why Internet Faxing?

Internet faxing is the most popular way to communicate people .It is very easy and faster way to sending receiving the documents. Nowadays, businessmen and individuals are depend upon these services to send and receive important or critical documents.  Because of paperless faxing, it is much cheaper than classic technique.

By using this advance technology, you don’t need to install and maintain a dedicated phone line in order to receive your massages. All principles of Internet faxing are similar to the true copy transmission, except the use of web interface. It is flexible and very useful option for document transmission

When person signs up for the service, it is necessary to have a fax number which is assigned by the services.  People can send documents to this number, and customers can send documents via e-mail without using a facsimile machine.

We explain below how Internet fax services works:

1.    The sender can attach a document to an e-mail message. You can send only that documents which are scanned paper document or a document which is created in a program like WordPad. 
2.    The sender can send the message to the receiver’s fax number and the name of service which provide that number (For example:
3.    The attachment can be translated by the service to the readable format of facsimile machine.
4.    The phone line is used for sending data.
5.    The receiver’s machine receives the data and again translates into user readable format and prints the fax.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Online Fax Features: How to choose one?

Online fax is popular because of the advantages it provides. To utilize these advantages and generating revenue many companies have entered this arena. How to choose best among all services that are available?

Here are some points which can be considered while choosing best service.

1. Ease of use: In every day busy schedule there is not much time to learn new things and to implement it in work. For that purpose it is necessary to make easy, the use of fax service so that a customer need not waste much time.This should not take more than few minutes. Most service provider companies use email for sending and receiving a copy of document. For sending you have to upload a document and can use email for receiving the document. Some services provide web based system to send and receive facsimiles.

2. Files Support: It is necessary to know type of documents the company supports. There are common files which are supported by all, like JPEG, Word, PDF, but there are few companies supporting other documents like power point and excel sheets.

3. Technical support: It is important to select service which provides 24/7 customer support as helpline. It is the job of technical support to ensure prompt service.

4. Cost: Choose service which is productive relative to the cost. They should also provide various plans like Pay-as you –Go which charges money on basis of document sent and a monthly rate plan which charges fix money monthly. Pay-as you –Go plan is best if you send only few pages per month. For regular faxing for business purpose, you have to use plan which charges fix monthly rate for all incoming and outgoing pages. You can make changes to plan, if you want to send large data.

5. Accessibility: Online fax site must be easily accessible to you. It must be easily accessible to others, and must make others accessible to you, such that any anyone can receive and send. It should not be necessary for user to attend to it personally; you can send and receive at anytime and anywhere, as long as you have Internet connection and devices like computer and mobile phone. When you subscribe with a service provider then they will assign business contact number for you which is used to send and receive. You can choose between local or toll free number. Some companies don’t provide you unique number they will simply make use of temporary no for duration of your fax.

6. International rates: This is one of the major advantages in online faxing. Long distance and international rates are cheaper. Most services charges no extra charge for long distance faxes. So it is important factor like other factors such as costs, rates while choosing best service. This is important while sending International faxes in other countries like America, Sri-Lanka, England and any other countries. 

The above tips that I have submitted should be helpful to the readers. Following the advice you can choose the best online fax service to use beneficially.     

The virtual faxing offers a new option to small business and corporates alike.  In time to come I see this utility is going to experience tremendous growth thanks to its benefits.